21/1/2023 Working from homeI saw this on social media and had to borrow it. I was chatting to a friend the other day about working from home, and we both agreed that while it is nice to 'do stuff' from the comfort of your pyjamas there is nothing as good as talking to real people! Assuming you have the technology, we can zoom into conversations, watch the same sporting events, stream films, and catch up with friends near and far, from a few miles to several thousand miles away. But why is exercising at home so different to attending a class? When you walk into a hall you are greeted with friends you see just once a week. Someone once asked two ladies how long she had been friends- they looked at each other and said- just a few weeks- we met here! You may arrive individually- but everyone leaves together, and I can see conversations continuing as people leave the building and walk to the bus stop. Then there is the ‘see you next week’ the open heartfelt invitation to come back- to be here- with us- next week- so we can carry on from where we left off! 8/1/2023 Lets dance- and feel better!Why movement and dance? Why to music? Dr Dance, in an article in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday 7th January, Peter Lovatt FRSA explained the benefits of moving dance and right at the very bottom – in a small column headed dance prescription for overcoming the blues Medau Movement was mentioned. If you search ‘the benefits of dance’ on your laptop or phone you will see a multitude of articles explaining the benefits of dance- the liberation of the mind, the burning of the calories, freeing of the spirit and loosening of the joints. People say join a sports team or run round the park, join the gym and get hot and sweaty. Dance isn’t a team sport- we are individuals who participate as individuals- but at the end of the class, because we have danced together and with partners - we are a group. We get hot and sweaty, and our heart rates increase. We are not tall and lean with sculpted muscles encased in leggings and cropped tops - we are everyday people in baggy t shirts with bits that wobble and bit that don’t want to move! We all start of nervous and shy- arms not knowing where they should be going and feet stumbling in vaguely the right direction- but it doesn’t matter! Well, in my classes it doesn’t matter and co-ordination is optional. In 2021 the Sport and Recreation Alliance published a paper, and I make no excuses for copying here the acknowledgments : The development of this report has been driven by Tracy Levy, Chair of the Alliance's Movement and Dance Division. Tracy's vision for the work was to deliver a step-change in how the members of the Movement and Dance Division articulate the value of the activity they work so hard to facilitate. As with any project of this scale, the work has not been achieved in isolation. 38 individuals, each highly experienced in the delivery of movement and dance, lent their expertise and knowledge to a series of workshops and consultations. From these consultations a wealth of first-hand evidence was gathered, testifying to the value movement and dance delivers to its participants, its communities, and society as a whole. Through the time effort and vision of Tracy Levy and her fellow colleagues within the division, the collation of testimonials of the power and value of movement and dance will boost the appreciation of its contribution to the physical activity eco-system; both today, and into the future. This report illustrated what we - as teachers and participants - know to be true. To save you reading the whole report I have picked out some of the infographics (I wanted key points that the readers could identify with to stand out) that highlights the benefits of what we- as movement and dance teacher do- and the hidden benefits of our classes. In true Strictly style- 'Keep Dancing' as there is a class and a dance for everyone! 3/1/2023 Hello 2023Hello 2023 and a fond farewell to 2022. A fond farewell? Was it all bad? Last year was mixed- some had a good year- for others it was not so good, but we saw it through. For some New Year is the light at the end of the tunnel- for others a new door waiting to be opened for new adventures - and us all there will be sad and bad days. Now, back in January, the children are returning to school, Christmas has been replaced by Easter in the shops (already) and the days are beginning to look a bit brighter if somewhat soggy. It’s important to have things to look forward to, to have a good thing in each day and something to lift the spirits each week. It could be a trip to the local nursery (that was my saviour during Lockdown) catching up within friends at class or finding out who ‘did it’ on the TV. Say hello at the checkout, have a conversation with a stranger in the supermarket or just watch the birds. When shopping during the Christmas period you would have found me singing along to all the songs being played in the shops- people smiled and a few joined it- we don't need permission to be happy- we just need to show it on our faces! However and wherever you find your ‘moment’ thank you for being with us last year and I look forward to many more happy, sing-a-long classes in 2023! All classes resume the week of 16th January. The snow cut the term short- but with brighter longer days ahead, the toast is always the same: to companionship! 2/1/2023 Happy 2023Happy New Year!
Everyone's path to happiness is different, but trying something every day might help you see the happier side of life! Being physically active is a quick and easy way to boost your mood and supports the health and functioning of your brain. According to some scientists exercising improves how well the brain works and helps keep it in good condition! Click here for more info. |
Exercise With TracyEXTEND Exercise and Medau Movement teacher. Keeping the muscles working, the joints mobile and having fun! Archives
August 2024
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If you fancy trying a class then please get in touch. The first class is free!
Exercise with music at Southgate Methodist Church, Monday 1.30-2.30
Exercise with music at Grange Park Methodist Church Tuesday 10-11 Medau: Cockfosters, Wednesday 10-11 Medau: Potters Bar, Wednesday 2.15-3.45 |